After Sales Support

We provide free repair of our products for up to three months from the date of sale. However, this offer will be void in case of massive damage. Clients will have to pay for services after the warranty period. Fashionableproductsbd will not bear any transport expenses to collect and deliver the repaired goods.

Service Hour

Office hours: 10 am – 6 pm; Weekdays: Saturday-Thursday

Product Care

Leather is a natural material and it may stretch. Don’t overfill your handbags, purses, or wallets to keep their original shape. Wipe away dust and spots with a soft cloth or brush after use. Please follow the instructions to maintain your Fashionableproductsbd bags:

  • Keep it in dry and cold places
  • If there is a stain, please rub it with a soft piece of cloth.
  • Don’t keep a leather bag in a cupboard for a long time, use it for a few days and then preserve in dry places.

Return & Exchange

We only exchange products on certain conditions. Customers can ask for exchanges if they have issues with products and we oblige on certain conditions and a full payment of the service charge. However, Gootipa does not have a return policy.

Payment Method

  • We use bKash for mobile banking
  • We accept bank transfer
  • You can pay online via our trusted and verified payment gateway on our website
  • We accept card payments at our shop-in-factory point of sale.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, You can contact us:

By email: / Please: Contact US